Creative Way


with Zangmo Alexander


01379 897393

Art Courses, Photography Courses

Creativity Coaching, Life Coaching, Mindfulness Coaching


Free your creativity - explore, discover & express yourself -
everyone is creative, including you!


16th September, Bressingham, Diss, Norfolk, 10-5pm
£65 including all materials and refreshments - everyone welcome!
Tiny Group, loads of individual attention, - book now!

Red and blue may not make violet!

Come and learn the basic principles of colour mixing, so that you begin to understand how to get the colours you want, such as knowing which red and which blue to use to make violet, how to create beautiful greys without using black and white or how to make rich, vibrant earth colours.

Colour offers so many exciting opportunities for personal expression and creativity once we have got an understanding of some of the basic priciples and feel more confident experimenting with colour.

Book now on
01379 687360
to ensure a place!




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