Creative Way


with Zangmo Alexander


01379 897393

Art Courses, Photography Courses

Creativity Coaching, Life Coaching, Mindfulness Coaching


Free your creativity - explore, discover & express yourself -
everyone is creative, including you!

Art From the Heart

1st December, 10am-4pm, Bressingham near Diss, Norfolk
£65 including materials and refreshments - everyone welcome
Tiny group - lots of individual attention - book now to ensure a place


How could we use colour, shape and form to create visual symbols expressing our innermost selves?

This introductory art wokshop aims to help you begin to gently connect with your heart centre, which in may spiritual traditions is seen as the centre to be in for increasing awareness of our inner essence.

Prior art experience or ability is not necessary, but an open mind is! The purpose is not to create a work of art, but to express yourself from a space beyond self judgement.

The gentle pace of this Art From the Heart workshop includes relaxation, which allows us to slow the mind down and bring the mind home, so that we can become more aware of our heart centre and allow time for assimilation of the experience. Through relaxation, meditation and creative drawing exercises using a range of drawing materials, we will explore being with ourselves and our materials, allowing drawing from natural forms or from within to arise spontaneously in a fresh and open way.

Moving through self doubt and 'blocks' can be part of th process - Zangmo will give you plenty of support and encouragement, along with help on using art vmaterials.

All materials are included, and you will have lots of encouragement in a supportive atmosphere with no more than 6 participants.

Please wear loose comfortable clothing which you don't mind getting paint on.

The facilitator, Zangmo Alexander, is an artist, art teacher, life coach and meditator who has studied an 8 week Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Course with the University of Bangor, is a Buddhist nun and has a background working with individuals and groups in education and mental health. She has a long standing interest in the perennial wisdom at the heart of all spiritual traditions in the world. For many years her own creative practice has been part of her inner journey.

More about Zangmo here

Enquiries and bookings: 01379 897393